3 Powerful Tools to Change the Blueprint for Your Life and Reinvent Yourself

Dec 10, 2023


From birth up to the age of 7, your mind did its best to make sense of the world. All your experiences were recorded and scripted in order to make your life “easier” by creating a number of “survival guides” AKA programmes.


Those programmes contain lots of useful stuff (such as walking, talking etc.) but also not-so-useful stuff such as limiting beliefs and biases that your subconscious mind has been using as a blueprint for your life ever since.

You have been programmed to believe certain things about yourself and the world and that blueprint is running your life.

Remember that this happened before you turned 7 (when your mind was making sense of the world), so don’t be too hard on that child.

That child (you) was just figuring sh*t out and came to conclusions about what meant what, and some of the time got it wrong (aside from learning to walk, talk, read, and write and other useful stuff).

You may have experienced trauma at any time in your life like I did (I was born being strangled, and my dad passed when I was 7).

You may not have experienced trauma like that however smaller traumas add up too and become damn significant as a whole (for example you may have been bullied for having invisible dogs and a spaceship that was a bush - I can neither confirm nor deny that this was my experience!).

Then as you grew up you retold yourself (thanks to that pesky programming) the same stories and attracted similar situations to fit the blueprint and prove yourself right (I got caught in a rip tide, drew heart-breakers, and visited dark places).

You adopted your stories (and any trauma) as your identity. You replayed those programmes on loops. You began to believe those stories and that, dear friend, is how you accepted one version of a blueprint for your life as your life.

🌊 But, what was programmed can be re-programmed.

🦩 And you can choose a different version of YOU.

Here is the good news, bad news, great news, not-so-great news, and excellent news (and the 3 tools)...



You don’t have to live inside this programmed blueprint forever if it’s not working for you anymore.



If you’re focussed on what you don’t want in life the more you focus on it the more you lock it in!

(Reassuring side news: there’s nothing “wrong” with who you are right now. It’s part of your journey, part of the masterplan, and you are on the right path right now)



You can choose who to be. You can step into the identity of someone with a different blueprint. You get to re-invent yourself. It’s 100% within your power. NOT-SO-GREAT NEWS You may not believe you have the power. You may not believe you are worthy or capable of being the person you want to be. You may believe the world is working against you and that your circumstances and experiences are out of your control. You may have accepted the identity of a victim rather than a creator...



Despite what you may think... You are the creator of your reality You are the decider of your identity You are the chooser of your destiny What if you could experiment with the idea of this, just play with the possibility?



Short answer: You. You are in the way of YOU.


Use these 3 Powerful Tools to get out of your own way, change the blueprint for your life, and reinvent yourself...



Practice gratitude daily. Don’t be a robot though, you have to EMBODY it... Feel it, smell it, see it in your mind, open your heart, write down what you are grateful for, breathe it in, give yourself a head rush! Gratitude keeps you in the present moment, which is THE place to be BTW! Right NOW is a space, place, and time of infinite possibility.



Get curious about the identity of Ultimate YOU… how you walk (tall), talk (with authority), think (great thoughts), smell (like Chanel!), and feel (like a boss). Keep coming back to this. Daily! Meditate on life as this YOU. Get curious about your current identity. First, accept yourself without judgment. Then start looking at the world as a mirror showing you which YOU you are being. See triggers as clues, problems as portals, and emotions as intel. See people as guides, teachers, and signs showing you the way or the not-this-way.



Look at all the intel you gathered using your outer world as a mirror of your inner world, and do whatever it takes to re-programme your subconscious mind, let go of old unhelpful stories that are holding you back, release any trapped emotions, alchemise limiting beliefs, stay mindful of the words you say to yourself, and balance your nervous system for safety so you can tune into your intuition and follow your inner guidance. Take action from a place of inspiration, intention, and love (for others AND yourself), keep practising gratitude, and keep meditating on Ultimate YOU.


You’ve got this!