mindset over matter

Unlocking the Magic in Our Words: How We Cast Spells and Create Our Worlds

Aug 20, 2023

We are all the subconscious architects of our realities.


First of all, I think we should take a moment to appreciate what is happening right now as you read these words

To begin with they started as the energy of the thing we call thoughts in my mind, which were then passed down to my fingers using electrical impulses to tap the words out using the letters on the keyboard of my laptop.

But we need to go back a bit to the fact that the words you are reading are made up of letters that are mutually agreed on symbols of particular sounds that we have collectively grouped into other sounds we call words, that (yet again) we have agreed to symbolise specific “things”!


And yes we’ve all agreed as to what that stands for.

It’s really remarkable how our words, whether written or spoken, have enabled us to communicate beyond grunting and pointing (although that is sometimes me first thing in the morning if I didn’t get my beloved 8 hours of sleep), to be able to share ideas and thoughts and build relationships and communities, and to create “worlds”!

Pretty fudging incredible right?

So, yes this article is about words (and worlds).

Here’s what’s coming up:

✨ Why are words powerful? 

✨ Some experiments by a Japanese scientist

✨ How you can create worlds with words


Ready? Yeah you are!


✨ Why are words powerful?

While I was growing up the wilds of Wolverhampton in England I became familiar with a saying that said; “Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”

Yet, words can be incredibly hurtful (whoever came up with that saying is a dumbo) but words can also be incredibly nourishing and healing too.

(thank f*ck!)

Words actually cause a physical reaction in the body, and hormones get released that trigger an emotional response. And I’m not just talking about words other people say to you, I’m also talking about the things you say to yourself. And sometimes the things we say to ourselves aren’t always all that nice.

Side note: Would you say that sh*t to a friend?

If you say mean things to yourself often enough you’ll believe them. You may already be aware of some of the things you can hear yourself say.

I used to call myself a very bad word whenever I did anything wrong. It began with “re” and ended in “tard”.

I also used to call myself a genius whenever it was mildly warranted!

Since becoming more aware of my self-talk I’ve kept the genius part and I’ve softened the insult to “Sill Bill” (short for “silly billy”) which is innocuous and a bit, well, silly! Unlike the other word, which was a massive putdown and never made me feel good.

Words are super powerful. You can build yourself up or you can destroy yourself.

And it’s because everything (and everybody) is energy. Energy is a frequency, a vibration, and that has a ripple effect on everything in the universe. Intention changes the energy of words. If you are being mean the energy is low-vibe, and conversely, if you are being loving the energy is high-vibe. I’ll spare you the quantum physics explanation in this mail, but I’ll get into that another time so stick around.


✨ Some experiments by a Japanese scientist

Dr Masuro Emoto did some truly mindblowing experiments on the power of words on water in order to demonstrate the different effects of low and high-vibe words.

He studied frozen water crystals (yep snowflakes!) that were made from pure water compared with those made from polluted water. He also did experiments with writing positive and negative words on vials of water and after 24 hours of freezing them studied them under a microscope.

You’re smart, you know where this is going…

The crystals from pure water and positive words were clear and perfectly formed. The polluted water and negative word crystals were grey and misshapen.

Watch the video linked below and have your mind blown…




So if we take this power of words a little further and also marvel at the fact we “spell” words (I don’t know if this works in other languages).

We SPELL words. We cast spells.


Yes, we are casting spells. We are spell-ing.

(I might have to hide the unfollow button for this next bit haha!)

So, aside from being mindful of the words you use when speaking to yourself and others, play around with talking to your water! You’ll be making “magic potions”.

Yes, I am encouraging you to whisper sweet somethings into your glass of water!

It’s logical from everything you’ve read here so far though, right?


✨ How you can create worlds with words

We’ve already established (more or less) that everything is energy, right? And the quality of our words (created by the intention behind them) can be pure or poisoned (and I’m not using this word lightly).

Thoughts create words, words create pictures, and pictures create worlds…


“One picture is worth ten thousand words.” — Ancient Chinese proverb or some bloke called Fred R. Barnard (the jury is still out!)


And this is why visualisation (the images you create to bring about what you wish for) is such a powerful tool.

It’s an amplification of your words, which is an amplification of your thoughts.

And the energy that amplifies your visualisation is the emotion, the feelings, and the full sensory load of what something you desire in your life looks like, feels like touch, smells like, sounds like.

And this my friend is how you create worlds. How you create your world. How you “magic” things into being.

And if you’d like to go down that rabbit hole then check out this article


Spend a day being ultra-mindful of your thoughts. Catch everything without judgment. You can flip them into positives if it’s appropriate (sometimes there’s some stuff you need to work through, address, and express but that’s a whole other story for another day). The aim is to become aware of your habitual thinking.

For example, it could be that you are in the habit of sitting down to work on something and the first thing you casually say to yourself is “I can’t wait for this to be finished.” In itself, it’s not intrinsically negative but there are more powerful ways to approach a project: “I can’t wait to work on this and discover where it takes me!

Repeat after me:


“I have the power to shape my world using my words, and I choose to choose my words with love.”